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Monica T. Simon, PhD, LMFT
Building Hope, Inspiring Solution, Transforming Lives
What is included in the retreat packageRetreat costs include welcome dinner, workshops and lodging. If you choose to go on any additional activities outside of the scheduled retreat activities, you will be responsible for the costs however your host would be happy to assist in helping you arrange reservations and transportation and discounts offered to retreat participants.
How do I pay? What payment plans do you have?To register, just click on "Register now" above to snag your spot! There are payment plans extended through 30 days before the event for your convenience. Monthly payments are automatically withdrawn on the date you register every month until paid in full.
Can I arrive early/stay late?You are more than welcome to book your travel to arrive early and/or stay post retreat. If you choose to do so, you will be responsible for the cost of your room at the hotel/resort for those additional days. Your retreat host will do their best to work with the hotel/resort to give you the same rate that your group will receive for the retreat
Can I bring alcohol or marijuana or other substances to help me cope with the emotions?The simple answer is no, but for a complex reason. The use of substances which may “numb” or “lessen” your experience may prevent you from doing the work you signed up to do. While we have zero judgement for the use of these substances outside of the retreat space, we ask that you not register for the retreat if you are a daily consumer of these substances. We want your investment to work for you and using while doing the work isn’t a set up for your success (which we are fully vested in)
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